Information in today’s world is extensive. With the availability of internet, one has access to almost anything he wants to know about. With so much information floating for everyone to access, it is important to learn how to find the right information and at the same time be able to judge if the source of the information is credible. Unit 5 of English 250 has helped me in the field of information research. Adding on to that is the knowledge that I have gained in my research topic, the future of wind energy.

                Using the library and Google Scholar has been a major part of getting information for my research paper. This being the first time that I have ever written a research paper, exploring these research tools has been an interesting and knowledgeable experience. I have learned how filters in Google Scholar search works which has helped me refine my search results to the exact information that I am looking for. I was also able to realize the credibility of each source by searching for the papers in which each article was published and its reputation. Wind energy is an engineering related topic. So, I was able to get some idea about the different papers published in the engineering world. I took a class on Introduction to Wind Energy, which was my motivation to research on this topic. The research information I received through research papers published online and through the two interviews that I obtained from two professors from Iowa State University has helped me gain enormous amount of knowledge in the field of power generation and the future of energy production. The interviews in particular introduced me to the field of interviewing.

                Overall, Unit 5 has been a really good learning experience for me in the field of research, interviewing, knowledge and presentation. The final presentation of my mediation to the class was a great way to present my research to my class mates and make them realize the importance of the future of energy on the planet.

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